Personal Information Privacy Notice

About this Notice

This notice provides important information about the collection, use, and disclosure (collectively, “processing”) of your personal information by  Alumni Affairs and The University of Winnipeg Foundation. It also informs you of your privacy rights.  Please read it carefully.  

For more information, or to exercise your rights, you may contact The University of Winnipeg Foundation, 901 - 491 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4, or by telephone: at 204.786.9995, or 1.866.394.6050, or by email. Winnipeg, Manitoba, or by email.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information (also known as “personal data”) means any recorded information which relates to you as an identifiable individual. This includes information which identifies you by name, email address, or other identifier. It also includes information which does not identify you explicitly but, when combined with other information reasonably available, may allow you to be identified. Information which cannot be used to identify you, including information where your identity has been removed, is not considered personal information.

Who is Responsible for my Personal Information?

Alumni Affairs and The University of Winnipeg Foundation are responsible for the processing of alumni and donor personal information collected in relation to the alumni, fundraising, stewardship and prospect management function. We are the “controllers” of this information. The contact information for Alumni Affairs is 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E9. The contact information for The University of Winnipeg Foundation is 901-491 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 2E4. For certain tasks, we engage with other organizations to assist us in this work, which are known as “processors”. We will seek to inform you, whether through this notice or through additional, specific notices, of our use of processors.

What Personal Information do you Collect About Me?

  • If you are an alumni, the University of Winnipeg  collected your basic personal information at the time you registered as a student, along with any updates you provided during your time as a student. At the time you graduated, this information was transferred to Alumni Affairs and the University of Winnipeg Foundation.  See also the University of Winnipeg’s general Notice of Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information for applicants.  We also collect personal information  when you contact us, make a donation, volunteer, attend an event or from prospect research.  The personal information we collect includes Basic personal details such as your name, suffix, and date of birth;
  • Personal contact details, such as your home and business address,  phone numbers, email addresses and social media contact information;
  • Information relating to The University of Winnipeg, such as your student number or your employee number with the university;
  • Spousal and family information, such as the name of family members and their connection to The University of Winnipeg;
  • Donation details such as where you would like your donation directed, the total amount, and in whose memory you would like the donation to be made;
  • Information on your participation in The University of Winnipeg or other activities, such as event attendance, volunteer interests, committee participation, awards and honours;
  • Information gathered, including email addresses, from company and charitable filings, social networking posts, media sources, and other public sources including the world wide web;
  • Accommodations such as accessibility and dietary requirements when required for events we host.

Alumni Affairs and The University of Winnipeg Foundation do not store any credit/debit card details and are fully PCI-DSS compliant. The information used to process transactions is stored by a trusted, university approved, third-party payment processor. We will not use your personal information to carry out automated decision making that has a legal or similarly significant effect on you.

On what Basis Will You Process my Personal Information?

We will only process your personal information for lawful purposes related to alumni and development functions, predicated on one or more of the following legal bases:

  • Processing is necessary for our legitimate interests or the interests of a third party;
  • Processing is predicated on consent.

How Will You Process my Personal Information?

Your personal information is transferred and stored on servers located in Canada. Security safeguards protect this information during transfer and at rest. Once we have your information, we will only process it where we are permitted to do so under law.

We process your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Keep you updated with information about The University of Winnipeg/The University of Winnipeg Foundation, events and alumni activities;
  • Issue tax receipts;
  • Send you materials on Advancement and fundraising activities, such as new fundraising campaigns and donation forms;
  • To collect details for events hosted by Advancement, such as dietary needs, seating preferences, and accommodations to help you enjoy our events;
  • To provide you with information about Alumni benefits such as UW Magazine, Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Emails, Fundraising Emails, Affinity Program offerings, and credit cards that are available to you as an alumni of The University of Winnipeg;
  • Create online and printed alumni listings, i.e. Reunion Attendees;
  • Prospect research;
  • Create online and printed donor listings.

We share your personal information internally with the faculties you attended as a student and with the units to which you donate.

Will You Share my Personal Information with Others?

We process some of your personal information at servers controlled by the University of Winnipeg and located in Winnipeg.  Other information is processed by third party service providers located elsewhere in Canada.  This involves the transfer and storage of your personal information outside of Manitoba. Other jurisdictions may have different privacy laws than Manitoba. As such, please note your personal information may be subject to access requests from governments, courts, or law enforcement according to local laws.

We will also share your personal information with certain third parties which are not performing data processing services for UWinnipeg, but otherwise support the alumni and donor experience.

If you have questions regarding the sharing of your personal information, please contact: The University of Winnipeg Foundation, 901 - 491 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4, or by telephone: at 204.786.9995, or 1.866.394.6050, or by email.

Example service providers are listed in the table below.

Examples of sharing include:

Description / Processor Details

Legal Basis for Processing



  • Upon graduation, registering and maintaining you as a member of the University of Winnipeg Alumni Association.
  • Upon making a donation, processing and maintaining information about your donation.
  • Creating and managing your Online Community Account.


  • Alumni Affairs has a legitimate interest in maintaining information regarding graduates and offering benefits and services to alumni
  • This processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the University of Winnipeg Foundation, who also has a legitimate interest in maintaining information regarding its donors and providing stewardship services to donors.
  • Alumni Affairs has a legitimate interest in providing alumni with the means to connect with other graduates of the University of Winnipeg.

Blackbaud Merchant Services

  • Purpose: To process online payments


  • This processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with the University of Winnipeg Foundation, who also has a legitimate interest in providing an online method for the processing of donations and event registration.

Sharing with 3rd Parties

  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • The University of Winnipeg Foundation has a legitimate interest in providing donor information to the Canada Revenue Agency when requested.
  • Mail Houses
  • The University of Winnipeg Foundation has a legitimate interest in providing donors with information related to fundraising events and providing opportunities to financially support The University of Winnipeg
  • Alumni Affairs has a legitimate interest in providing alumni with information related to events and services provided The University of Winnipeg for example the UW Magazine


How Long Will You Retain my Personal Information?

Most of the personal information we process is retained permanently. We will use this information to maintain a record of your alumni and/or donor information. Questions regarding the retention of your personal information can be addressed by contacting: The University of Winnipeg Foundation, 901 - 491 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4, or by telephone: at 204.786.9995, or 1.866.394.6050, or by email.

What are my Privacy Rights?

Subject to exceptions and limitations under law, you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal information;
  • Request correction to your personal information if you believe there is an error or omission;
  • Request we delete or remove your personal information if you believe the information is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose for which it was collected or otherwise processed, or for other permitted reasons;
  • Object to the processing of your personal information;
  • Request we restrict the processing of your personal information (e.g., if you ask us to suspend processing until your access or correction request is fulfilled);
  • Request we transfer your personal information to another party;

If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact: The University of Winnipeg Foundation, 901 - 491 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2E4, or by telephone: at 204.786.9995, or 1.866.394.6050, or by email.

If you believe your rights have been violated you may also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, such as the Manitoba Ombudsman or, for residents of the European Economic Area, your appropriate data protection authority.

Individuals have the opportunity to visit their online community accounts to update their personal information, make certain data elements private, unsubscribe from certain communication pieces or to unsubscribe from all communication vehicles

Are Changes made to this Notice?

This notice was last updated on May 15, 2019. It will be updated when necessary.