Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This website is maintained and monitored by The University of Winnipeg Foundation.

This guideline provides instructions for the collection, use, disclosure and protection of personal information, pursuant to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

This guideline is intended for all employees of the University of Winnipeg and is applicable to all personal information in the custody or under the control of the University. Additional procedural guidelines are available to assist University employees in fulfilling their duties under FIPPA.

Collection of Personal Information

University employees may only collect personal information if the collection is necessary for an existing function or activity. Collection must also be limited to the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the function or activity.

When collecting personal information, employees must also:

  • Notify the individual of the purpose for which the information is being collected
  • Provide the individual with the contact information of an employee who can answer the individual’s questions about the collection; and
  • Collect the information directly from the individual whenever possible.
  • Use of Personal Information

Generally speaking, FIPPA limits the use of personal information to the purpose for which it was collected – or a directly related purpose – unless the individual has provided their consent for a different use. “Use” refers to the sharing of personal information within the University. The use of personal information must be limited to the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Similarly, FIPPA limits the disclosure of personal information to the purpose for which it was collected – or a directly related purpose – unless the individual has provided their consent for a different disclosure. “Disclosure” refers to the sharing of personal information outside the University. Disclosure must also be limited to the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the activity or task. Other instances where disclosure may be permitted include, but are not limited to:

  • If disclosure is authorized or required by another enactment of Manitoba or Canada
  • To the Government of Canada in order to facilitate the monitoring, evaluation, or auditing of shared cost programs or services
  • For the purpose of determining or verifying an individual’s suitability or eligibility for a program, service, or benefit
  • Where disclosure is necessary to protect the mental or physical health or the safety of any individual or group of individuals
  • For the purpose of complying with a subpoena, warrant, or order issued by a court with jurisdiction
  • For law enforcement purposes or crime prevention; or
  • For contacting a relative or friend of an individual who is injured, incapacitated, or ill.

Protection of Personal Information

FIPPA requires the University to establish reasonable administrative, technical and physical security measures to safeguard against unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction of personal information. Paper records should be stored in locked cabinets or specially designed rooms. Electronic records should be password protected and encrypted. Employee access to personal information must be restricted to only those employees who require the information for the performance of their duties and consistent with the purpose(s) for which the information was collected. Personal information must be destroyed securely and completely.

The University of Winnipeg Foundation’s charitable registration number is:

86517 1045 RR0001.