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Gryphon Trio

Audience as a Critic - 2018-2019


Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin
Roman Borys, cello
James Parker, piano


Joseph Haydn
Piano Trio No. 33 in G minor, Hob. XV:19
Dinuk Wijeratne
Love Triangle
Johannes Brahms
Piano Trio No.1 in B major, Op.8
La Muerte del Angel
Astor Piazzolla



Albert Chen, piano

Domenico Scarlatti
Sonata in F minor, K 69 L 382





Gryphon Trio is vibrant, always with an excellent repertoire. (AA)

The Gryphon Trio were marvellous! So much energy and expressiveness in their playing- I enjoyed it tremendously. (SE)

Haydn – animated, cheerful, energetic, melodious – all in one package. Beautiful articulation and balance, sensitively delivered with ease by three outstanding artists. Love Triangle – Hypnotic and delightful, wonderfully dramatic points, enthusiastically done. A great piece of music beautifully played. Brahms – A more than beautiful melody. Each artist is great as an individual, but together they are even greater. A wonderful concert, the Piazzolla showed again their versatility of styles. (VH)

Haydn – I am always in anticipation when “Papa Haydn’s” sense of humour erupts in his chamber music. The Presto humour did not disappoint! This Trio is so attuned to one another. No wonder Prince Nicholas Esterházy kept Haydn and his musicians employed for so long! Love Triangle – The piano ground bass in 7’s set the hypnotic mood of this marvellous work; you never knew what was coming next. High violin harmonies contrasted with rich deeper sounds of the cello with high twinkling-light piano in the higher register. The “bending” of string pitches was intriguing bringing forth Middle Eastern influences. So glad that Wijeratne will become a Canadian citizen. We shall look forward to hearing more Canadian compositions by this gifted composer. Thank you Jamie, for your informative comments. Brahms – Unusual to have the Scherzo movement before the Adagio movement, but the interjection of a slow section in the lively Scherzo was a “surprise”. At times the piano sounded like a trumpet fanfare and later, like a fairy-like à la a Mendelssohn Scherzo. The Adagio was so sensitively played, especially the duet between the piano and cello. Dramatic dynamic contrasts throughout. A marvellous performance of this Brahms masterpiece. ENCORE! Bravissimo! All the best in your second quarter century. (MJM)

Wonderful music and variety of music. Superlative Brahms. (ME)

Excellent artists-what a treat. Enjoyed Wijeratne’s Love Triangle. Good choice. (MPL)

Haydn- always pleasant. But the piano overplays the violin and cello. Love Triangle-No comment, not my thing. Brahms- The highlight of the evening. Young Artist- Scarlatti – didn’t sound like Scarlatti. (Anon)

Great performance!! Appreciate underground parking with indoor link. The program was marvellous. New piece was amazing. This venue is perfect for the program. (CF)

Good interpreters. Good music. I hope you program others like Ligeti, Berio, Stockhausen, Nono etc. You deserve a bigger and better hall. (AV)

From a student of Prof. Strub in his Psychology and the Arts course:
When I first got to the concert, I felt a little bit out of my element. I had never attended a concert like that before, and did not know what to expect. The environment was very welcoming, so when I sat down, I did not feel so out of place. The Gryphon Trio was fantastic. I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to musical instruments and performing, but I think I can speak on behalf of everyone who attended when I say that the trio was flawless. They sounded beautiful, and were so focused and precise, that I was completely captivated by their performance. Attending the concert was a good experience for me, and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Virtuosi Concerts is obviously a favourite for a host of music lovers in our city. This concert, as so many before, stands TALL among the best to be had in Winnipeg. Now, I will take “issue” with the 2 TV screens on either side of the hall, completely undermining the intimacy of this sensational setting and lovely lighting. We don’t need the screens-please J (MH)

Aren’t their cadences spectacular! The ‘ensemble’ playing was wonderfully nuanced, sensitive, fabulous. We do not need the TVs. They are distracting. Suitable for sports, but not for these wonderful concerts. Besides, the TV image is smaller than the reality. ????? (EH)

Lovely as always. Perhaps putting the music score on the TV might be more interesting. (CW)

Gryphon is a joy to hear.  Piazzola is the icing on the cake!  (TK)

TVs not necessary. They are distracting. Ruin the intimate atmosphere AND the actual stage and performers are closer than the TV view. This is chamber music. Amazing concert otherwise, great pieces-very diverse pieces. (CR)

Get rid of the snacks-not necessary. Superb music (Anon)

The TV screens are unnecessary. (They are a distraction.) (Anon)

Please- no TVs NOT necessary! Very distracting. Use the TV idea to “live stream” your concerts! (Anon)

Use the screens for advertising but turn them off. During the concert they add nothing and are hugely distracting. (DA)